Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Espresso Coffee Machine - 9 Tips For Your Espresso Drinking Enjoyment

!±8± Espresso Coffee Machine - 9 Tips For Your Espresso Drinking Enjoyment

Do you love espresso? Do you really love espresso? Do you love paying those high prices at the local coffee shop for your espresso? I mean do you really love to pay those high prices at the local coffee shop for your espresso? I did not think so! have you ever thought about just getting your very own espresso coffee machine and saving upwards of .00 per week?, .00 per month?, 0.00 per year? That is a lot of money to spend these days! Well, if you have been thinking about getting your very own espresso maker for your home or office here are 9 tips that you should consider before going out and handing over your hard earned money and not getting what you paid for or thought you paid for in the long run.

Tip 1. Do you think you are considering buying an espresso maker that uses espresso pods? That is Okay since they are very easy to use, however in case you are a "hard core", "died in the wool" espresso junkie then using an espresso machine that uses espresso ground coffee is the way to go to obtain just the right cup of espresso!

Tip 2. Would you like a steam driven or a pump driven espresso coffee machine? The steam driven machines are the more affordable of the two and so you might be tempted to buy one to save a few dollars, nevertheless the fact of the matter is that steam units do not keep the correct water temperature and tend not to produce adequate pressure levels to make really good espresso. The pump units are measured in "bars" and the more "bars" the more pressure and the more pressure going through your ground coffee then the more of the flavor and flavorful oils will be passed to the espresso that you are going to drink.

Tip 3. Do you want your espresso coffee machine to be fully automatic? Do you want to have some amount of interaction with your espresso maker? Do you want your espresso maker to be fully digital? Is it in your budget to get a fully digital, fully automatic espresso machine? This is something very important to consider, as the more "bells and whistles" the more money you will have to spend. Here is the rub though: Just because an espresso machine does not have all the "bells and whistles" does not mean that it cannot produce espresso like one that does.

Tip 4. How many cups or mugs of espresso do you want your espresso machine to be capable of making at one time? How many people will need to be served by your choice of machine in your home or office?

Tip 5. Do you intend to buy a coffee bean grinder? Do you have a coffee bean grinder now? If you want one or should you have one now make sure that it is a top quality grinder. It just does not make any sense to have an eight hundred dollar espresso machine and a five dollar coffee bean grinder. Personally, you should avoid coffee bean grinders that utilize blades as the blades will not grind the coffee fine enough or completely enough. This goes for espresso machine that have grinders in them as well. Get an espresso machine that has a burr conical grinder as these types of grinders truly do grind the coffee beans completely and properly for creating great espresso.

Tip 6. Be sure that your coffee beans are ground especially for the espresso machine with the precise setting of your grinder or the grinder that is integrated into your espresso machine.

Tip 7. When it is time to steam your milk make absolutely sure that you are using a minimum sixty percent fresh cold 100% milk. Whatever you do, you should not reheat warm milk! Yuck! Your best results will always come from using fresh cold whole milk. Always when steaming the milk place the steam wand below the milks surface and then steam the milk on full.

Tip 8. Maintain your machine in good functioning order. Therefore cleaning your machine after every use in addition to descaling it regularly to keep mineral deposits from building up inside your machine in the areas of the pipes and boiler and reduces excess pressure buildup put in the pump.

Tip 9. Always ensure that the grind you will be using compliments the machine that you are using. The instruction manuals of most espresso coffee machines will come with a coffee grind guide and suggestions and you may work with those or try different things for trial and error purposes.

Espresso Coffee Machine - 9 Tips For Your Espresso Drinking Enjoyment

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